Topic №4 / Initial survey of respiration and the thorax. Chest inspection and palpation, respiratory rate evaluation. First aid in asthma attack, pain syndrome, hypotension and hypertension.

Topic 4

Initial survey of respiration and the thorax. Chest inspection and palpation, respiratory rate evaluation. First aid in asthma attack, pain syndrome, hypotension and hypertension.

Respiratory Examination - OSCE Guide

Bate s Guide to Physical Examination, Thorax and Lungs, 1

Chest Palpation

Inspection and percussion 2

Respiratory rate measurement

Measuring the Respiratory Rate

Lung Auscultation

Lung sounds - Breath sounds Types & Causes

Respiratory auscultation sounds

Normal Breath Sound

Asthma Attack - The Correct Treatment

First Aid: Asthma Attack

How to Help Someone with Chest Pains | First Aid Training

Chest Pain Cure By Two Minutes || NATURAL TRICK by CHEST PAIN

Chronic Pain Syndromes

Chronic Pain Explained

First Aid Hypotension

Hypertensive Emergency Treatment

Hypertension Explained

Hypertension - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

Understanding Hypertension
